英文: Article 32 It is prohibited for the private enterprise to employ child labour who has not reached the age of 16.
中文: 第三十二条私营企业不得招用未满十六周岁的童工。
英文: Child labour is just one symptom of the crushing poverty in the world, which deprives children of their basic right to education and freedom.
中文: 童工正是这个世界触目惊心的贫穷的一大症状,他剥夺了儿童接受教育和享受自由的基本权利。
英文: Multinationals that manufacture in China and other developing countries have become used to regular inspections of working conditions at their factories, investigations into whether their supply chains use child labour and constant media and NGO scrutiny.
中文: 在中国和其它发展中国家进行制造的跨国企业,已经习惯了对其工厂的工作条件进行定期检查,调查其供应链是否雇用童工,也习惯了面对媒体及非政府组织的不断关注。
英文: Qin Gang made the remark in response to a reporter's question about the criticisms been made by some countries concerning the illegal use of child labour in China.
中文: 他强调,雇主的这些行为已经违反了法律,也将会受到法律的严厉制裁。
英文: There was also an impact on child labour because children who had a father earning money abroad were less likely to be sent out to work and those who were, worked about 66 per cent less.
中文: 移民对童工也有影响,因为如果孩子的父亲在海外工作挣钱,儿童被送去打工的可能性就会减小,即使被送去打工,这些孩子的工作时间也会减少大约66%。