英文: And whoever wants to sign up for a walking meditation with Sakyamuni is requested to do so because very soon there will not be any place on the airplanes.
中文: 你是如此挚爱你的导师,渴望和他一起沿着灵鹫山崎岖起伏的小路漫步。
英文: As the teachings developed by Sakyamuni after he reached buddha-m?rga, Buddha-dharmais the explication about the origin of all creatures in the universe and the truth of life as well as the explanation about the holy knowledge of how to achieve such a goa
中文: 「佛法」是释迦牟尼佛成就佛道后,依其内证自觉圣智所开演出来的法教,乃阐述宇宙万有本源及生命的真相,并说明如何成说此一目标的圣知识,故真正的佛法是「遍法界、亘三世、适用一切众生」而无变异的。
英文: For more than 1,000 years, the palace had housed the remains of the finger bones of Sakyamuni and other valuable relics that enshrined these precious bones.
中文: 同时在地宫中发现了深藏千年之久的释迦牟尼指骨舍利和供养舍利的大批珍贵文物。
英文: It is indeed a coincidence in the development of human civilization that Plato and Aristotle of ancient Greece and Sakyamuni of ancient India also lived during this same period.
中文: 而古希腊的柏拉图、亚里士多德,古印度的佛陀等对人类生活影响深远的哲学家也都出现在这一时期,这是世界文明发展历程中一个有趣的巧合.
英文: Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha.
中文: 弥勒菩萨将会是历史上释迦牟尼佛的继承者。