英文: A. baumannii is found in intensive care units, and the mortality rate among infected patients is very high -- between 50 and 60 percent -- Borer explained.
中文: 伯尔解释说,鲍氏不动杆菌首次是在重病特别护理病房出现的,而这种病菌的感染死亡率非常的高,一般在50%-60%之间。
英文: Acute respiratory failure and deep jaundice developed after the operation and the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit for critical care.
中文: 台中荣民总医院泌尿外科报告一位六十五岁男性病患因右侧肾细胞延伸至右心房,使用体外循环,降低体温及暂时循环中止成功地切除肿瘤。
英文: BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) -- Diego Maradona, still in intensive care four days after being taken to hospital with heart and breathing problems, could be taken off a respirator this week.
中文: 阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯----四天前由于心脏及呼吸原因而入院,目前仍处于重症监护下的迭戈·马拉多纳,有可能在本周拿掉呼吸机。
英文: Both patients recovered after continuing antimalarial drugs and ancillary treatments in the intensive care unit.
中文: 两个病例在持续使用抗疟疾药物及包括机械性呼吸支持、血液透析、与其他重症加护的照顾措施下逐渐康复。
英文: Figuratively speaking, if a bank has poor liquidity, then it is likely that they will be in the intensive care ward; in other words insolvent.
中文: 形象地说,如果银行的流动性不佳,那么就可能被关进重病护理病房;换句话说,也就是破产。