Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling or terminating the contract without mutual consent.
经当事人双方协商同意后,可以变更、解除和终止合同,在未达成一致意见前,仍应严格履行合同。 |
Both parties were represented by counsel.
双方政党都由法律顾问作代表。 |
Both parties will carry out creative resesarch in key problems of seismology and promote China's creative ability in seismology.
双方将在现代地震学关键问题和关键技术上开展创新性研究,以增强中国地震科技自主创新能力。 |
Both partners now resent your interference; that's what you get when you fish in the troubled waters of marital strife.
现在两方面都对你的干预不满,那是对你的婚姻冲突中趁火打劫的报应。 |
Both patients had juxtapapillary diverticulum, and they recovered after conservative treatment.
接受保守治疗后病情稳定逐渐恢复。 |
Both patients recovered after continuing antimalarial drugs and ancillary treatments in the intensive care unit.
两个病例在持续使用抗疟疾药物及包括机械性呼吸支持、血液透析、与其他重症加护的照顾措施下逐渐康复。 |
Both people in mainland China and Taiwan, use same Chinese language Pu-tong-hua.
摘要台湾海峡两岸的中国人同文同种,也使用着相同的语言。 |
Both perspectives, of course, point to the same global phenomenon, which is the essential dialectic of society.
当然这两种观点都指出同样的普世现象—即社会基本的逻辑辩证方法。 |
Both played 90 minutes of the game in Austria, making centre-back Mancienne an ever-present in the tournament. Left-back Bertrand played all but the first-half of the second game.
在奥地利的比赛中两人均打满全场90分钟,这样,中后卫曼西恩尼在三次欧锦赛中打满了全部比赛,而左后卫伯特兰只有第二次比赛的上半场没上场,其余全都打满了。 |
Both played a role in the Bounty debacle.
两者在邦迪号的叛乱中都占有一席之地。 |
Both players are equally good so it's a toss-up (ie impossible to predict) who will win.
那两个运动员不相上下, 谁能取胜还很难说. |