英文: Royal Dutch Shell PLC said Wednesday it has offered non-U.S. investors US$352.6 million (euro263.8 million) to settle claims related to its oil reserves accounting scandal of 2004.
中文: 周三,荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司发表声明称将支付3.53亿美元(约合2.64亿欧元)赔偿金给非美籍投资者,以了结发生在2004年的虚假石油储备的丑闻。
英文: This week the church performed its biggest act of penance yet, paying $660m to settle claims of sexual abuse by more than 500 people in the archdiocese of Los Angeles.
中文: 本周,教会进行了有史以来最大的忏悔仪式,并支付了6亿6千万美元以和洛杉矶大教区的超过500名受害者的诉讼达成庭外和解。