英文: Her chipper sound, bobbish melody, and jocose lyric, her innocent manner while she hugging her child and playing with her child like playing a seesaw, mixed with the creaky laugh of her child together, poppled in this small adobe.
中文: 她爽朗的声音,快活的曲调,诙谐的歌词,搂着孩子像玩翘翘板似的摇上摇下的天真的神态,和孩子叽叽嘎嘎的笑声溶在一起,在这小土房里荡漾。
英文: With a jocose tone, this short story presents a miserable and funny predicament of an ordinary family in American Midwest through the eye of an artless kid, anti hence discloses the fallacy of American dreams and their contamination of the American young
中文: 小说以诙谐的笔调,通过一个孩子的不懂事的眼光向人们展示了美国中西部一个普通家庭的既悲惨又滑稽的处境,从而深刻地揭露了“美国梦”的虚妄及其对年轻一代的毒害。