英文: A drier, rocky highland which I already described, and a rising flood plain which breaks this region into a series of small islands set amongst a shallow watery swamp area.
中文: 其中一个部分是我之前描述过的岩石高地,另外的一部分则是逐渐升起的被阴暗沼泽与河流分支包围的众多岛屿。
英文: A set of color panels can be seen in the extreme upper portion of the photograph above the flood plain deposits.
中文: 在照片最上部的漫滩堆积上可以看到一组彩色标板。
英文: Before the flood arrives, the river's flood plain is calm and dry.
中文: 在洪水爆发前,泛滥平原平静干旱。
英文: Harvest from the flood plain depends on the magnitude of the river's runoff during the flood period. Roughly once in ten years the entire flood plain would be submerged.
中文: 在洪水爆发期间,泛滥平原的庄稼收成是依赖被洪水冲走量的多少,粗略估计,每十年泛滥平原就会被淹没一次。