英文: An Indonesian man who died of H5N1 bird flu caught it from his 10-year-old son, the first laboratory-confirmed case of human-to-human transmission of the disease, according to a World Health Organization investigation of an unusual family cluster of bird-
中文: 世卫组织对一起少见的禽流感家庭群发的调查表明,一名死于H5N1型禽流感的印尼男子是从其10岁的儿子那里感染该病的,这是首例实验室证实的禽流感人际感染病例。
英文: This is good news for those worried about bird flu, since human-to-human transmission is thought to be more likely via droplets coughed from the nose and throat than from infections lower down.
中文: 对于那些曾担忧禽流感的人而言,这是个好消息,这是因为与来自下呼吸道的传染相比,人际传染被认为更可能是由鼻和喉咳嗽喷出的唾沫导致的。