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cotton fiber


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英文: By taking cotton fiber in high yield cotton field of north Xinjiang as the object, the niche-fitness theory were introduced, through analysis the niche-fitness of cotton fiber in three mono-topping and multi-topping intercrop system treatment, the result

中文: 摘要以北疆高产棉田棉纤维作为研究对象,引入生态位适宜度理论,对三个打顶次数不同的处理的棉花群体棉纤维生态位适宜度进行分析研究,结果表明:用生态位适宜度来评价棉纤维品质是切实可行的,三个打顶处理中7月10日和7月25日打顶棉株棉纤维生态位适宜度均为中部最高,并且随着棉花群体打顶次数的增加,其下部棉纤维生态位适宜度较上部有逐渐增高的趋势,与一次打顶相比较,其二、三次打顶棉株上、下部棉纤维生态位适宜度均升高。        更详细...
英文: During the development, the cotton fiber cell only grows but does not divides, so it is a kind of model material for studying the mechanism of plant cell growth and development.

中文: 近年来国内外不少研究者已经分离出一批对棉纤维初生生长发育有重要作用的功能基因,并阐明了这些基因的表达及调控特徵。        更详细...
英文: In this paper, the performance characteristics of bamboo carbon viscose fiber are described, and the processing practice in spinning blended knitting yarn of bamboo carbon viscose fiber and combed long-staple cotton fiber is discussed with its process flo

中文: 摘要介绍了竹炭粘胶纤维的性能特点,探讨了竹炭粘胶纤维与精梳长绒棉混合纺制针织用纱的生产实践,提出了纺纱工艺流程和各工序关键生产技术措施。        更详细...
英文: In this review, the present status of the molecular and physiological mechanism of the differentiation and development of cotton fiber is discussed, in which the molecular and physiological mechanism of the producing of the cell turgor, loosening of the c

中文: 摘要本文综述了棉纤维分化、发育的分子生理机制的研究现状,著重讨论了棉纤维细胞膨压的产生、细胞壁的松弛、结构分子的合成和加入、次生壁增厚的启始信号、纤维素的生物合成和细胞骨架系统控制纤维素沉积等机制。        更详细...
英文: Product can be classified by raw material as cotton yarn socks, polyamide fiber socks, stretch hosiery with polyamide, high elastic cotton fiber socks with polyamide, cores spandex filament socks, and high elastic core polyamide/ spandex filament socks.

中文: 产品按原料分为棉纱线袜、锦纶丝袜、弹力锦纶丝袜、棉/弹力锦纶丝交织袜、高弹锦纶丝袜、全氨纶包芯丝袜、高弹锦纶丝/氨纶包芯丝交织袜等。        更详细...

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