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By taking cotton fiber in high yield cotton field of north Xinjiang as the object, the niche-fitness theory were introduced, through analysis the niche-fitness of cotton fiber in three mono-topping and multi-topping intercrop system treatment, the result

By taking a train you are free of worries about traffic, weather conditions, tolls and gas. 坐火车可免去担忧交通堵塞、天气不好,收费和加油等问题。
By taking advantage of the information retrieval technologies and the PULSAR, a high performance speech document retrieval system was developed, its three major modules are speech recognition, document indexing and playback. 利用自主开发的PULSAR语音识别系统及信息检索技术,设计实现了一套高效的语音检索系统。
By taking advantage of the role played by the market mechanism, it should conduct all-round designing and comprehensive coordination with respect to national economy and social development and propose macro-manipulative objectives with which to guide and 我国宏观调控手段,除了一般市场经济国家都有的财政政策和货币政策两个常规手段之外,还必须运用计划手段。
By taking advantage of this established fire risk assessment system, the management of fire protection resources and the allocation and deployment of firefighting force can he optimized, which plays a significant referential role in fulfilling the goal of 通过所建立的综合评估指标体系,可在消防管理中实现管理重点更加突出、力量部署更为合理、资源分配趋于最优,对北京市综合减灾目标的实现,具有重要的参考意义。
By taking bribes the judge made a burlesque of his high office. 那位法官受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。
By taking cotton fiber in high yield cotton field of north Xinjiang as the object, the niche-fitness theory were introduced, through analysis the niche-fitness of cotton fiber in three mono-topping and multi-topping intercrop system treatment, the result 摘要以北疆高产棉田棉纤维作为研究对象,引入生态位适宜度理论,对三个打顶次数不同的处理的棉花群体棉纤维生态位适宜度进行分析研究,结果表明:用生态位适宜度来评价棉纤维品质是切实可行的,三个打顶处理中7月10日和7月25日打顶棉株棉纤维生态位适宜度均为中部最高,并且随着棉花群体打顶次数的增加,其下部棉纤维生态位适宜度较上部有逐渐增高的趋势,与一次打顶相比较,其二、三次打顶棉株上、下部棉纤维生态位适宜度均升高。
By taking into account of the reservoir formation, syndeposition on the one hand can play the transportation role in migrating the source rock, and on the other hand lead to favorable matching relations among source rock, reservoir rock and cap strata. 在与油气成藏关系上,济阳坳陷同沉积背斜构造的形成与发展,对于油气的生成、运移、聚集、储集、保存等都有着至关重要的作用。
By taking part-time jobs related to their majors, students can, in addition to improving their studies, gain experience that are unavailable from their textbooks. 通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。
By taking that course of action, he fell foul of several influential members of the board. 采取了那个行动之后,他得罪了董事会里几个有影响的董事。
By taking the advantage of this, from the overall and partial aspects, it is proved that organization culture is the deep-rooted motivation of the evolution of organization on whereas strengthening the overall coherence while maintaining the partial and l 利用这一特性,从整体和局部两个方面论证了组织文化是组织演化的深层次的动因,而加强组织文化整体上的一致性,同时维持组织文化在局部上的柔性,有利于组织的可持续发展。
By taking the common errors made in the back-style high-jump as a logical starting point and by optimizing the means of teaching back-style high jump technique as the introduction, this paper designs a theoretical model for teaching back-style high jump a 摘要以背越式跳高动作中常犯的错误为逻辑起点,以优化背越式跳高技术的教学手段为切入口,设计了背越式跳高技术教学的理论模型,并对其进行实证研究。

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