英文: However consistent with point 1.4 the risk of a dangerous fall on an existing climb may not necessarily justify retro-bolting the climb.
中文: 然而坠落系数为1.4时的危险坠落风险,未必足以作为重修既有路线的考量。
英文: One may argue crafting a retro-styled, indisputably handsome car that is evocative, comes at the cost of only so much innovation.
中文: 也许有人会反驳82复古式,首推英俊的车子是动人,随之而来的代价,只有这么多的创新.
英文: Oxy-fuel enthusiasts claim that modern plants can be easily retro-fitted to operate as oxy-fuel plants.
中文: 热衷燃料增氧的人们宣称现有的电站可以轻松地实现燃料增氧。
英文: This assemblage of crystals and rhinestones — that typically is no bigger than the palm of one's hand - perfectly encapsulates the retro-feminine, polished sensibility of the entire fall season.
中文: 这种胸针是水晶和莱茵石的组合-----通常并不比手掌更大-----可以完美地勾勒出整个秋季温柔怀旧,优美敏感的特性。