英文: Because of China's one-child policy, instituted in 1978, this is the first generation in the world's history in which a majority are single children, a group whose solipsistic tendencies have been further encouraged by a growing obsession with consumerism
中文: 1978年实施的计划生育政策,致使这一代人是中国历史上第一代独生的一代,逐渐增长的消费主义热潮如网路和视频游戏,更加鼓舞了这一代的自我倾向。
英文: But Chinese demographic experts say the leadership is unlikely to abolish the one-child rule, because it is reluctant to admit that one of its signature policies was in any way a failure — particularly in view of the disastrous population boom encouraged
中文: 但是中国人口学家说执政者不希望放弃一胎政策,因为它不愿承认它签署的一项政策在某种意义上是失败的,尤其是想起1950年代毛泽东鼓励生育造成人口爆炸的灾难性后果时。
英文: But birth out of wedlock remains taboo and heavy-handed enforcement of China's one-child policy, including forced abortions, is common in poor rural areas, rights groups have said.
中文: 人权团体称,中国政府对于已婚夫妇生育的政策依然非常严格,坚持其一对夫妇只生一个孩子的政策;强制坠胎在贫穷的边远地区依然非常普遍。
英文: It is always a mistake to project population growth rates for a century, but let's do it anyway: With a one-child policy and a sex ratio that favors boys (many men won't find wives) — China should experience a decline in population in the 21st century.
中文: 对一个世纪的人口增长率进行预测始终是个错误,但是不管如何还是让我们预测一下:由于中国实行独生子女政策,加上男女比例失衡(很多男人将找不到老婆),中国人口在21世纪将下降。
英文: Li Ming: Yes, it is. Overpopulation will bring about many problems, so the government has been carrying out the One-child Policy in the past twenty years.
中文: 李明:是的。人口过剩会导致许多问题,因此在近20年来,我国政府一直在推行独生子女的政策。