英文: Embryoloy:The study of growth and development of the embryo and fetus from fertilization of the ovum until birth.
中文: 胚胎学:研究从卵子受精开始到胎儿出生这一时期胚胎及胎儿生长发育的科学。
英文: The ovum develops only in the female, and the sperm cell develops only in the male.
中文: 卵细胞仅在女性体内产生,而精子细胞则仅在男性体内制造。
英文: The postpartum Chinese sturgeon mother can be keep alive above the situation breaking an abdomen fetching an ovum but being certain to die after laying, which has already been an extraordinary progress at present.
中文: 在其它大型鲟鱼类目前还处于破腹取卵而产后必死无疑的状况下,中华鲟产后亲鱼可以保活已经是了不起的进步。
英文: The result showed that notorious smell was removed in the condition of this paper with finestill technique of SC-CO2 and total production of ovum oil was almost not effected.
中文: 研究结果表明:在本实验采用的萃取精馏条件下,林蛙卵油得率受到的影响最小,腥味基本消除。
英文: This course is designed to give the student a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of the menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantaion, ovum growth, development, differentiation and associated abnormalities.
中文: 本科目乃设计来使学生能清晰了解关于月经周期、受精、着床、卵子的生长、发育、分化与相关异常性等方面之病理生理学。