英文: 2003 Pearson Education Asia, headquartered in Hong Kong, was formed with the offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines joining Pearson Education North Asia.
中文: 培生教育北亚洲与新加坡、马来西亚、泰国及菲律宾的办事处组成培生教育亚洲,总部设于香港。
英文: 2007 is Visit Malaysia Year, I hope our Thai friend will reciprocate our trip to Thailand today by visiting us next year!
中文: 别忘了,泰国可是我们的好邦邻,,我们借此机会广交泰国友善的人民,以及来自北马各地的野兔朋友,同时促进我国与泰国的国际间良好友好关系。
英文: A male panda in a park of Thailand has been put on a diet because he is too heavy to mate with his partner, his caretakers said.
中文: 据泰国某动物园的管理员介绍,动物园的一只雄性大熊猫因体重过大无法正常交配,目前正在接受减肥计划。
英文: A: We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools. What do you think?
中文: 我们愿意在泰国做你方的手工工具代理人。不知你们意下如何?
英文: Abstract: The article provides the lessons and experiences of the shopping centers in Philippine, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand and their future prospect as well to the professionals of either Taiwan or mainland China in shopping center operating to dr
中文: 摘要:台湾购物中心对菲律宾、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国4国购物中心的演变的过程、转型的背景、成功与失败的因素以及未来的展望作了简单的介绍,为台湾及大陆提供思考方向和经验教训。