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方法, 手段, 工具, 财产, 收入

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*[mi:nz]\nn. 方法, 手段, 工具, 财产, 收入\n【经】 方法, 手段, 工具; 意谓\n相关词组:\n by any means\n by fair means or foul\n by means of\n by no means\n by no manner of means\n by some means or other\n leave no means untried\n live within one's means\n live beyond one's means\n by all means\n by all manner of means

英文: , is by no means as yet at an end.

中文: 这个问题无论如何还未了结。        更详细...
英文: [Article 13] Inbound means of transport of foreign registry and outbound means of transport of domestic registry shall not have their ownership transferred or used for other purposes before having gone through the Customs formalities and their Customs dut

中文: 第十三条进境的境外运输工具和出境的境内运输工具,未向海关办理手续并缴纳关税,不得转让或者移作他用。        更详细...
英文: [Article 9] Inbound means of transport pending declaration to the Customs after entering the territory and outbound means of transport pending to leave the territory after being cleared by the Customs shall both move along the route specified by the compe

中文: 第九条进境运输工具在进境以后向海关申报以前,出境运输工具在办结海关手续以后出境以前,应当按照交通主管机关规定的路线行进;交通主管机关没有规定的,由海关指定。        更详细...
英文: [color=blue]37. [/color]Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.

中文: 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。        更详细...
英文: (Common means of shipping, can be transport truck, barge, ship , or train.

中文: 卡车、驳船、船舶或火车等公共运输工具。        更详细...

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