英文: A liquor gun is a hand-held electronic device that with the assistance of a build-in micro-processor, dispense a predetermined measure of liquor.
中文: 这是一种手持式酒水分发器,它有内置的芯片,可以在倒酒时精确计量流量。
英文: DALE lonizing Air Blowers are the static elimination devices which deliver ion stream to meutralize wide forcused areas ,Their fiatures are quickly nertralizes static charges ,build-in imitter cleaner adjustable speed control for pressence of ionization,i
中文: 迪尔离子风机,可提供平衡离子气流的宽范围集中区域的离子消除器,其特点是快速中和静电;设有离了发射针清洁器;可连续调节风速,离子产生指示器,内置的风机和电源供应器。
英文: I also can play MP3, WMA and OGG files on phone build-in Recorder.
中文: (我也能播放mp3,wma和ogg文件在电话内置的录音器!)
英文: Selection modse of long/short weld,build-in remote control device,capable of ignition and cratering electric arc with small current.
中文: 具有“长焊缝/短焊缝”选择功能及遥控装置,可进行小电流引弧,收弧。
英文: This framework implements the fundamental function of natural language to condense, absorb, organize and position conceptual knowledge, and creates progressively a very large and complex build-in knowledge system in the language.
中文: 自然语言靠它实现了凝聚、吸收、组织、存放概念知识的功能,从而使语言内部逐渐形成一个极其庞大复杂的概念知识体系。