英文: Story: The story begins in mid-seventies Kerala where William - in his late thirties, is a priest in the solitary church in a small coastal town.
中文: 故事发生在中世纪七十年代的喀拉拉邦,快四十岁的威廉是一个海岸小镇的仅有的教堂的牧师。
英文: The Kerala state AIDS Control Society hopes such campaigns will encourage HIV positive people to come forward and take advantage of the services they offer, such as testing, counselling and anti-retroviral therapy.
中文: 喀拉拉爱滋控制学会希望这类的活动,会鼓励HIV患者站出来,接受学会提供服务的好处,例如检验、谘询和抗爱滋治疗等。