英文: Data in this chapter show the conditions of transportation, postal and telecommunication services, mainly covering freight and passenger traffic, freight handled at ports, transportation infrastructure and machinery, civil motor vehicles and transport ves
中文: 本章反映我市交通运输业和邮电通信业情况,主要包括货物和旅客运输量、港口吞吐量、交通基础设施和运输营运工具、民用车辆和船舶、主要港口码头泊位和仓库、邮电业务、电信主要通信能力和邮电通信水平。
英文: In the long run, we aim to further expand our service coverage into a full-fledged nationwide transportation infrastructure to serve both domestic and overseas clients.
中文: 长远来说,上海东陆物流会致力扩展全国性的运输网络以服务本地及海外的客户。
英文: The course will focus on current transport-related themes confronting many cities in the region, including: rapid motorization and suburbanization and subsequent impacts on transportation infrastructure and quality of life; public sector management and im
中文: 课程将着重于该地区城市目前面对的运输相关主题,包括∶迅速的汽车化和郊区化,和其对运输基础设施和生活质量的影响;管理公共运输部门及改进私人经营的交通运输系统之道;运输所造成之空气污染问题及其可能的解决方法。