英文: A blow for President Bush, the Senate rejects extending parts of Patriot Act, saying they infringe too much on Americans' privacy and liberty.
中文: 参议院打击了布什总统,驳回了扩充部分爱国者法案,声称这对美国的内政和自由破坏太大.
英文: A minority of lawbreaking merchants have taken advantage of this to engage in deceitful practices which seriously infringe on the legal rights and interests of the consumers, constituting unfair competition towards legal operators, resulting in financial
中文: 少数不法商人借此进行欺诈活动,严重侵害消费者的合法权益,对守法经营者构成不正当竞争,也使大多数传销员蒙受了经济损失,引发了社会问题,扰乱了经济秩序。
英文: A residents committee shall manage its own property; no department or unit may infringe upon its right of ownership of property.
中文: 居民委员会管理本居民委员会的财产,任何部门和单位不得侵犯居民委员会的财产所有权。
英文: Any unit or individual person shall not, with any reason or in any way, disturb the normal order of medical institution, infringe upon personal safety of medical persons, or damage property and things; shall not do superstitious activities or sacrificial
中文: 任何单位或者个人不得以任何理由或者方式扰乱医疗机构的正常秩序,侵犯医务人员的人身安全或者损毁财物;不得在医疗机构内进行各种形式的迷信祭祀活动;不得干涉、阻碍医疗机构对尸体的常规处置。
英文: Article 12 Copyright in a work derived from adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement of a preexistent work shall vest in the adapter, translator, annotator or arranger, the exercise of which, however, may not infringe the copyright in the preexi
中文: 第十二条改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品,其著作权由改编、翻译、注释、整理人享有,但行使著作权时不得侵犯原作品的著作权。