英文: At the far right is normal kidney, then to the left of that hyperemic kidney that is dying, then to the left of that pale pink infarcted kidney in which both tubules and glomeruli are dead.
中文: 最右边是正常肾脏,其左边是濒临坏死的充血区,再往左边是苍白、粉红的梗死区,此处肾小球和肾小管都已坏死。
英文: The cut surface at the right demonstrates yellowish-tan mucosal exudation with a hyperemic border.
中文: 右侧显示切面,有黄褐色的粘膜渗出物并有有边缘充血。
英文: The infection with inflammation is characterized by the pale yellowish-tan areas next to the dilated calyces with hyperemic mucosal surfaces.
中文: 扩张肾盏的表面粘膜充血,靠近扩张肾盏的区域为黄褐苍白区,这是炎症感染的特征。
英文: The interventricular septum of the heart has been sectioned to reveal an extensive acute myocardial infarction. The dead muscle is tan-yellow with a surrounding hyperemic border.
中文: 心脏室间隔的断面显示了广泛的急性心肌梗死。坏死心肌呈棕黄色,与周围充血心肌分界清楚。
英文: This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa. There are many causes for acute gastritis: alcoholism, drugs, infections, etc.
中文: 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。急性胃炎的原因很多有:酒精中毒,药物,感染,等。