英文: One way of looking at American society at present is to divide it into two groups of people: one, a relatively small whitecollar and professional group who work long hours and bear disproportionate responsibilities;and the other, a relatively large group
中文: 观察现今美国社会的方式之一是把它分成两群人:一群是人数较少工作时间长而担负不成比例的责任重大的白领专业人士,另一群人数较多工作时间短(即便是不算咖啡休息时间)担负较少繁重责任的人。
英文: We has now multi-level building and professional group more than 200 members who hammer at technology, engineering craft and product development by active effort in years.
中文: 过多年发展,本公司现已成为拥有工业厂房几千平方米,工程技术和生产研制人员200多名的专业化实体。