英文: Because of the failure the catastrophe will be coming.
中文: 因为失败,大祸就要来临了。
英文: China calamity,disaster,suffering,catastrophe,disaster area,famine ,disaster,calamity,catastrophe will buy helis!
中文: 救灾界,抗灾界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!
英文: Even though Swiss Re opened its first branch just two months ago offering reinsurance services in health and life, as well as property and casualty, the issue of natural catastrophe on the mainland has concerned it for years.
中文: 仅仅是两个月前,瑞士再保险才在中国大陆开设了首家分公司,提供健康险、寿险、财产险和意外险等再保险服务,但尽管如此,它对中国大陆的自然灾害问题已关注多年。
英文: He used the fighter's communications system to transmit an emergency 9-13 Jedi distress code after the catastrophe of Order 66, and piloted the starfighter to rendezvous with Bail Organa.
中文: 在66号命令的灾难之后,他使用飞机上的通讯系统发送了紧急9-13绝地危险码,并驾驶战斗机和贝尔·欧加纳会合。
英文: IF CATASTROPHE were to befall humanity—be it plague, nuclear war or an asteroid striking the Earth— what provision could be made for the survivors?
中文: 如果灾难——瘟疫,核战争,还是小行星的撞击——降临于人类,生还者需要什么?