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port of entry

【经】 进口港, 输出港

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英文: A period of time during which a vehicle, person, or material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country.

中文: 检疫期,隔离期当运输工具、人或材料被怀疑带有传染性疾病,被扣留在港口进行强行隔离的一段期限,以防止疾病传入某个国家        更详细...
英文: Article 12 The owner or his or her agent shall apply to the port animal and plant quarantine office at the port of entry for quarantine inspection of the animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects, before or on their entry, on the stre

中文: 第十二条货主或者其代理人应当在动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物进境前或者进境时持输出国家或者地区的检疫证书、贸易合同等单证,向进境口岸动植物检疫机关报检。        更详细...
英文: Article 30 Whoever enters the country carrying animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects which are not included in the catalogues specified in Article 29 of this Law shall declare them to the Customs at the port of entry and

中文: 第三十条携带本法第二十九条规定的名录以外的动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物进境的,在进境时向海关申报并接受口岸动物检疫机关检疫。        更详细...
英文: I am aware that the final admission into Mexico must be approved by sanitary and immigration authorities at the port of entry and that issuance of a visa by a Mexican Consulate does not guarantee the admission.

中文: 本人明白核发签证之墨西哥领事馆并不保证入境墨西哥国,而其最后决定权取决于移民及卫生当局,本人了解移民及卫生之官员有权去证实所有文件均属合法。        更详细...
英文: I understand that possession of a visa does not automatically entitle the bearer to enter the United States of America upon arrival at a port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible.

中文: 本人确知﹐签证持有人如被认定为不许入境者﹐则不得因持有签证而自动享受抵达入境口岸即可进入美国的权利。        更详细...

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