英文: But given the legacy of World War II and constitutional restrictions that limit Japan's military to a defense force, even the idea of a debate over a nuclear arsenal is a significant change.
中文: 但是二战的遗留物和宪法对日本军队防卫力量的限制,甚至对核武器的反对的观念是有意义的改变。
英文: IF THE Pentagon is right, China's nuclear arsenal is on the verge of a big upgrade.
中文: 如果五角大楼没有说错的话,那么中国的核武库正处于大升级的边缘。
英文: If you are the paranoid dictator of a friendless state that is still technically at war with both South Korea and the United States, a nuclear arsenal is your ultimate insurance policy.
中文: 设想你是一个孤立无援国家的顽固独裁者,同时与韩美两国还在处于技术上的战争状态,核武器的拥有当然将会是你安全的最终保证。