英文: 855 Do you have nay objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks?
中文: 有关包装运输唛头的条款你们有什么异议吗?
英文: A lazy person has an objection to working.
中文: 懒人对工作有异议。
英文: A long time ago Herbert Spencer remarked, as an objection to Christian ethics, that it is better to have a decent standard of morality which is practicable than a more exalted one which is impracticable.
中文: 很久以前,史本塞对基督教道德观有所不满,他认为采取实际可行的良好的道德标准,胜于不可能实行但目标比较崇高的那种标准。
英文: A police okesman said normally a notice of no objection would be i ued three days after the a lication was made.
中文: 警方发言人表示,他们通常会在申请后三天发出不反对通知书。
英文: A police spokesman said normally a notice of no objection would be issued three days after the application was made.
中文: 警方发言人表示,他们通常会在申请后三天发出不反对通知书。