A police officer recently captured a large meteor shooting over the northern Michigan skies.
警官最近获取了一次大飞星射击在北密执安天空。 |
A police officer was there to keep order.
一名警官在那里维持秩序。 |
A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held upacardboard sign offering a telephone land line as anotherofficerheld up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn.
一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。 |
A police official told the paper the man was carrying an air pistol, pieces of cardboard rolled up to resemble dynamite and a remote control.
一位警员对报方称,该男子身上有一支气手枪,还藏有一个用纸皮折成的假炸弹和一个假遥控器。 |
A police oke erson (Pavel Hantak) said Thursday that police did not have to intervene because the attempted a ault was foiled on board the Aeroflot flight.
警方发言人星期四说,劫机的企图在飞机上被挫败,所以警方没有必要干预。 |
A police okesman said normally a notice of no objection would be i ued three days after the a lication was made.
警方发言人表示,他们通常会在申请后三天发出不反对通知书。 |
A police procedural.
警方程序上的 |
A police raid on a shop in London found 138 shawls.
在伦敦,警察在对一家商店的一次突击搜查中竟发现138条披肩。 |
A police spokesman said normally a notice of no objection would be issued three days after the application was made.
警方发言人表示,他们通常会在申请后三天发出不反对通知书。 |
A police spokesman said on Tuesday the weekend mayhem began during morning shopping hours in the town of Veitshoechheim.
当地警方的一位发言人表示,这次意外事件发生在当天早晨人们纷纷上街购物的时段内。 |
A police spokesperson said: This is such a shame. This man broke free twice under our supervision and has not been found yet.
一名警方的发言人说:“这真是让人感到羞耻。这个家伙居然两次在我们的眼皮底下逃了出去,现在还是不知所踪。” |