英文: Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real trouble for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
中文: 这句话的意思是:“你有证据证明你的邻居偷了你的割草机吗?要是你没有证据,又去报了警,他可以给你制造好多麻烦的。你还是算了吧!”
英文: Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real troubles for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
中文: “你有证据证明你的邻居偷了你的割草机吗?要是你没有证据,又去报警,他可以给你制造好多麻烦的,你还是算了吧!”
英文: I really feel sorry for Mike. First his wife left him. Next he lost his job. Then somebody stole his car. Like they say, it never rains but it pours.
中文: 这是说:“我真是为迈克感到难受。先是他的太太把他甩了,然后,他又丢了工作,接着,他的车又被人偷了。这真是像人们所说的,祸不单行呀。”
英文: Who stole my cheese?is a great article, and you should read it over carefully and slowly. Please go to the good articlesarea to read it.
中文: 『谁偷了我的乳酪?』(新版本)是一篇很棒的文章,而你应该仔细并且慢慢地读它喔。请到「文章分享区」去阅读。
英文: A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind, for which Zeus chained him to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver, which grew back daily.
中文: 普罗米修斯从奥林匹斯偷火给人类的巨人,因为这事宙斯将他锁在一块巨石上,派一只鹰去吃他的肝,而他的肝每天又重新长上