英文: About the time Cromwell was leading army of artisans and peasants against the English Parliament, the whole area of cultivated land within the limits of the Manchu Empire was 130 million acres.
中文: 大约在克伦威尔领导工匠和农民的军队同英国国会作战的时期,清帝国疆域内的全部耕地有八亿亩,人口则有七千万,土地问题显然已到了危机关头。
英文: But sometimes ruling parties become so addled and incompetent they need to be punished. “Depart, and let us have done with you,” Cromwell told the Rump Parliament.
中文: 但是有时占多数地位的党派是如此的腐败和昏庸无能因此他们应当受到惩罚。
英文: Meanwhile, Oliver Cromwell and the “Rump” declared England a commonwealth. In December 1653,by an Instrument of Government, he became Lord Protector of the commonwealth of England.
中文: 克伦威尔用“小议会”取代“残余国会”,1653.12,根据《施政文件》,他成了英格兰共和国护国会。
英文: “YOU have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing,” Oliver Cromwell famously declared, as he dissolved the Rump Parliament in 1653.
中文: 你们为了任何一个已经得到的好处,已经坐这里太长时间,著名的奥利佛·克伦威尔,他在1653年解散(英国)尾闾议会时声明。