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英文: 10 The group's publishing houses put out publications in different languages on a variety of subjects including political science, economics, art, languages, medicine, cultures and customs, classical literature, and academic textbook.

中文: 10出版集团所辖的各出版社以不同的语种推出各类图书,内容包括政治、经济、艺术、语言、医学、文化习俗、古典文学和专业教科书.        更详细...
英文: A boy receives painting suggestions from a woman at a store in Hanover, Maryland. The store allows children explore a variety of artistic adventures.

中文: 在马里兰州汉诺威一家店里,一名男孩在画画时接受一名妇女的指点。这家店让小朋友体验多种艺术创作。        更详细...
英文: A boy sits on his motorcycle adorned with a variety of kites and plastic toys to sell to customers walking the riverfront in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

中文: 柬埔寨金边市一个男孩坐在他的机车上,上面挂着各式风筝和塑料玩具准备卖给河岸上来往的客人。        更详细...
英文: A new form of body emulsion that contains a variety of vitamins, collagen and nanometer pearl powder, will deliver nutrients instantly into skin upon skin contact, help purify and improve the skin, leave the skin soft and smooth, increase the skin moistur

中文: 新形态的美体液,含多种维他命及胶原蛋白,纳米珍珠粉,会在接触肌肤的瞬间迅速将营养素注入肌肤,帮助净化改善肤质,使肌肤变得柔软弹滑,增加肌肤含水量,解除肌肤干燥不适感,避免产生皱纹,促进胶原蛋白合成,分解排泄黑色素,令全身肌肤润白保湿,细致美白。        更详细...
英文: A number of simulation runs show that in a variety of initial reentry conditions the vehicle can achieve the TAEM interface with this approach.

中文: 仿真结果表明,对于不同的初始再入条件,制导方案都可以将飞行器导引到能量管理段界面。        更详细...

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