英文: Advertisements and characters photography plan, script creating, until anaphase revising and print producing. Including photography of characters, fashionable dress, product advertising etc.
中文: 从事广告、人物拍摄的策划、脚本创意、到后期修片印刷制作;包括人物摄影、时装摄影、产品广告摄影等。
英文: But a rhetorical perspective is natural and common for political and product advertising and for analyzing politicians' efforts to influence the public by manipulating news coverage; these efforts are obviously and intentionally persuasive.
中文: 然而,对于政治与商业广告,对于分析政客通过熟练操纵新闻报道来影响公众所做的努力而言,一个修辞学的分析则可以说是自然而然、司空见惯的了——这些努力是显而易见的,并且也是卓有成效的。