英文: The case study indicates that such a method is more reliable than before, and provides more precise bases for further open flow potential estimation and proration measures implementation.
中文: 应用实例证明了新方法是比较可靠的,为以后计算气井无阻流量和开采配产作业提供了准确的依据。
英文: To some of injection wells which couldn't finished their proration water injection rates in low permeability reservoirs, through the technological innovation, Jianghan Oil Region has conducted boosting pres sure for water injection on well groups, and has
中文: 摘要江汉油区对低渗透油藏中完不成配注水量的部分注水井通过工艺技术革新,进行井组增压注水,在油田增产稳产中取得了良好效果。