英文: Arwen:Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom.
中文: 好了!让我们戒指送到末日火山去吧!
英文: BITCH is an organization which does not yet exist. The name is not an acronym. It stands for exactly what it sounds like.
中文: BITCH(婊子)是一尚未存在的团体。此称呼不是只取首字母的缩写词。它准确地表征着其听起来的所指。
英文: From a new perspective the of the present paper rethinks the character of the heroine, holding Brett is a fine lady just like a goddess symbolizing the love rather than a bitch and that this way of interpretation is more reasonable and can help the reader
中文: 如果从一个新视角对其重新审视,就会发现勃特瑞以关爱的圣母美德昭示著人们,将其性格定位以女神更为合适,更有利于读者深层认识该小说的主题意义。
英文: He said to himself, Two plus five, the son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, the son of a bitch is nine.
中文: 他自言自语道:“二乘以五,他妈个鸡是十。三乘以六,他妈个鸡是十八。”加法竟然被翻译成乘法,这是意译吗?
英文: I'll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him!
中文: 等我抓到那狗东西就把他给宰了!