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M phase

M 期

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英文: A direct adaptive control approach is proposed for a class of uncertain discrete time nonlinear non-minimum phase dynamical systems.

中文: 摘要针对一类不确定的离散时间非线性非最小相位动态系统,提出了一种基于神经网络和多模型的直接自适应控制方法。        更详细...
英文: A modulated signal of cos(2*pi*Freq*tt), freq = 2(MHz) multiplied by a carrier with zero mean Uniform phase noise. is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show differe

中文: 以弦波电压讯号乘上含有均匀相位杂讯载波之调变讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In this paper,a variety of encryption methods for optical image security are comparatively studied.According to the different method,the encrypted image can be transformed into white or color noise.The encryption phase can be the random phase or

中文: 文摘:本文分析比较了多种实现光学图象相位加密的方法,发现不同方法获得的加密图象有不同类型的噪音分布.无论加密相位是随机相位模板、浑沌序列的相位列阵,还是用相位重构迭代算法计算的结果,它们都能起到加密图象的功能.解密图象的质量或被相关识别的能力与解密过程中所使用正确解密相位的不同部分以及高低频分量多少有关,且其依赖程度是由不同的加密方法自身决定.        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The far-field spot characteristics of laser converted by random phase plate are analyzed theoretically,including the shape,size,rotational symmetry and diffractive efficiency of the spots,as well as the distribution of subsidiary spot.By compari

中文: 文摘:从理论上分析了激光经随机位相板变换后在远场的光斑特性(包括光斑的形状、大小、旋转对称性、衍射效率以及旁瓣分布),通过比较三种形状位相元(等边三角形、正方形和正六边形)的远场光斑特性,得知正六边形位相元结构的随机位相板更适合于激光聚变中的束匀化。        更详细...
英文: Aerial image distribution of a 0. μm contact hole with traditional mask, rim phase shifting mask (PSM), partial rim PSM, attenuating PSM are calculated based on Hopkins model, and the optimum parameters of different PSM are obtained.

中文: 基于霍普金斯 (Hopkins)理论 ,通过计算 0 . μm方孔的传统透射掩模、边缘相移掩模、部分边缘相移掩模、辅助相移掩模以及衰减相移掩模在硅片表面空间像的光强分布 ,找出了适合于各种相移掩模的最佳参数。        更详细...

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