英文: A postdoctoral fellow in the lab, Per-Johan Jakobsson, led a project that discovered the human version of an enzyme that produces PGE2.
中文: 山缪森实验室的博士后研究员杰可布森进行的研究,发现了人体当中某种生成PGE2的酵素。
英文: Also established in Shanghai in Shanghai soft information security postdoctoral research stations and substations information security laboratory Shanghai sub-centres.
中文: 在上海也建立了中软信息安全博士后研发工作站上海分站和信息安全实验室上海分中心。
英文: Between postdoctoral and lecturer level, men are more likely to be promoted than women are, by a factor of between 1.04 and 2.45.
中文: 在博士后和老师这个水平间,男性提升的可能性高于女性,可达到1.04至2.45倍。
英文: Christopher Jillings is the postdoctoral fellow of the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory. He is Canadian. He speaks British English, with a sense of humour. He is nice to young students.
中文: 基里斯杜法.尤灵斯是凯洛格幅射实验室的博士后研究员,他是加拿大人。他口操英式英语,富有幽默感,而且对年青学生也极度的用心。
英文: During my stay as a postdoctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, as a lab instructor, I conducted four different tutorials for EEE undergraduates.
中文: 在新加坡做博士后研究期间为电子工程系本科生兼职辅导多门实验课程。