英文: At the other end of the size spectrum are super off-price malls that consist of a large variety of value-oriented retailers, including factory outlet stores, department store close-out outlets, and category killers in an enclosed megamall (up to 2 million
中文: 按购物中心体量计它的另一端是“超级平价摩尔”,它容纳了各种价值导向型的零售商,包括工厂直销、百货店的退场甩卖和“品类杀手”——组装在一个百万平方(英尺)的摩尔(二百万平方英尺以上)中。
英文: Besides the above food, a large variety of fresh and tasteful barbecue food is available.
中文: 除以上附送的食品,另备有几十种各类荤素烧烤食品,新鲜美味,供您选择。
英文: Chen Ming-teacher got passionate speech, which was full of humor, comprehensible analogy with the complex issue , a lot of interesting true story, and a large variety of charts which made abstract strategic thinking vivid .students bursted from time to ti
中文: 陈明老师的发言激情四射,讲话诙谐幽默,对复杂的问题做了浅显易懂的比喻,举了诸多有趣真实的故事,并且用了大量丰富的图表,把抽像的战略思维说的生动形象,使得在座的同学们不时哈哈大笑,同时在这种笑声中又获得对未来的进一步的认识。
英文: Economical Production of Weatherproof ,Products Such As Rain-Wear,Ski-wear,wet/dry suits, tents,car covers,etc.Seam ,Sealing Applicable To A large variety of fabrics.
中文: 适用于各种雨衣、风衣、滑雪服、防寒服、压胶衣、防护服、冲锋衣、营幕、帐篷、车罩、船罩等防水系列产品。
英文: Featured with successful managers team and exclusive resources from Environmental Engineering of DongHua University, ENCOURAGE company is capable of a large variety of consultancy ranging, it covers the core tools training on Quality Management, Environme
中文: 上海英卡瑞企业管理咨询有限公司是由众多有着丰富实践经验的管理专家创立和组建的,依托东华大学环境工程学院专业技术力量的支持,专业为客户提供质量管理、环境管理和职业健康与安全管理相关核心技术及工具的培训与辅导,帮助企业提高管理水平。