Effect of donor cell treatment on development of somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos in buffalo
中文: 供体细胞处理方法对水牛核移植效果的影响 更详细进入...
Optimization of Electrofusion and Artificial Activation Protocols of Porcine Handmade Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
中文: 猪手工体细胞核移植电融合/激活参数的优化 更详细进入...
Optimizing Parameters of Nuclear Transfer on Skin Epidermal Cells of Adult Rabbits
中文: 优化成年家兔皮肤上皮细胞核移植有关参数 更详细进入...
Effect of Pinus Massoniana Plantation on Mobility of Heavy Metals in Polluted Soil
中文: 种植马尾松对污染土壤重金属移动性的影响 更详细进入...
Pathogenesis of delayed xenograft rejection in pig-to-rhesus monkey cardiac transplantations
中文: 猪-猕猴延迟性异种移植排斥反应的发生机制 更详细进入...
Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in treatment for cataract after penetrating keratoplasty;
中文: 超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入治疗穿透性角膜移植术后白内障 更详细进入...
ObjectiveTo establish durable and stable mixed chimeras and explore its effect on prevention and cure of acute graft-versus-host disease after xenogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
中文: 目的 为了建立持久稳定混合嵌合体(MC)模型及进一步探讨其对异种骨髓移植(XBMT)后急性移植物抗宿主病(aGVHD)的防治作用。 更详细进入...
Bone marrow transplantation corrected the excess content of very long chain fatty acid in plasma but did not arrest the deterioration of the neurological status during 3.5-year post-transplant follow-up period.
中文: 于移植后追踪期间,我们发现骨髓移植虽然未能遏阻其神经症状继续恶化,但血浆中超长链脂肪酸过量情形确有改善。 更详细进入...
Eliminating the daily dose of medications involves transplanting not only the kidney, but also the donor's bone marrow, which helps the recipient develop a compatible immune system.
中文: 不仅肾脏移植手术的人可以减少日常服药,而且移植骨髓的人也可以用,这使得病人能够有一个抗排异的免疫系统。 更详细进入...
The disadvantages of dual grafts are the same as those of single cortical grafts: (1) they are not as strong as metallic fixation devices; (2) an extremity must usually serve as a donor site if autogenous grafts are used; and (3) they are not as osteogeni
中文: 双侧植骨的缺点与单侧皮质骨植骨的缺点相似:①强度不如金属固定器械;②采用自体骨移植时必须选择肢体作为供区;③成骨性能不如自体髂骨移植,取骨手术也有更大的风险。 更详细进入...
Application of low molecular weight heparin calcium used in dialysed patient after kidney transplant;
中文: 低分子量肝素钙在肾移植术后透析病人的应用 更详细进入...
中文: 吻合血管的双腓骨并联移植修复长段股骨缺损 更详细进入...
Study on the Effects of Chemokine Antagonist Met-RANTES on Graft Rejection
中文: 趋化因子拮抗剂Met-RANTES延缓移植物排斥反应研究 更详细进入...
Intrahepatic transplantation of human fatal liver cells for the treatment of posthepatitic liver cirrhosis
中文: 胎肝细胞肝内移植治疗30例肝硬化疗效的随访 更详细进入...
The Experimental Study of Neural Stem Cells Transplantation on the Spinal Cord Injury of Rats
中文: 神经干细胞移植治疗大鼠脊髓损伤的实验研究 更详细进入...
Construction of Eukaryotic Plant Expressing Vector Containing Isopentenyl Transferase Gene
中文: 异戊烯基转移酶基因克隆及植物表达载体构建 更详细进入...
Application of vital dye CFDA-SE in transplant immune research
中文: 羧基荧光素乙酰乙酸在移植免疫研究中的应用 更详细进入...
The Charateristics of Himalayan Flora in the Light of the Drifting of Indian Plate
中文: 从印度板块的漂移论喜马拉雅植物区系的特点 更详细进入...
Reconstruction of Mouse Embryos with Chemically Enucleated Oocytes
中文: 化学去核卵母细胞为受体的小鼠体细胞核移植 更详细进入...
Impact of Serum Progesterone Levels on Clinical Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
中文: 血清孕酮水平对体外受精胚胎移植结局的影响 更详细进入...