A survey conducted in Britain confirmed that an abnormally high percentage of patients suffering from arthritis of the spine who had been treated with X rays contracted cancer.
中文: 译文:在英国进行的一项调查证实经常接受X光照射的脊椎关节炎患者癌症的百分比高得不正常。 更详细进入...
In addition, most major medical centers and cancer centers have an extreme interest in integrative medicine and especially TCM.
中文: 而且,绝大多数医学中心和癌症治疗中心对传统现代结合肿瘤学特别是中医药学产生极大兴趣。 更详细进入...
It can do the good assistance function, to the debility blood weak, high blood sugar, high blood fat, the memory descend, prematurely senile, the malnutrition and tumor, the cancer crowds.
中文: 对气虚血弱,高血糖,高血脂,记忆力下降,未老先衰,营养不良及肿瘤、癌症人群康复有较好的辅助作用。 更详细进入...
Others viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains to be shown.
中文: 因为注意到被动吸烟与癌症之间的因果关系还有待证明,其他人均以谨慎的态度看待这些发现。 更详细进入...
The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors , including inappropriate diets , poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection .
中文: 癌症的发病率主要由以下诸多因素引起,包括不适当的饮食、不好的保健习惯以及没有及早发现。 更详细进入...
中文: 肝癌癌变机理的实验病理研究 更详细进入...
One Case of Hysterical Astasia—abasia
中文: 癔症性立行不能症例 更详细进入...
I think the results of this study are quite reassuring,Joachim Schuz of the Danish Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen, said.
中文: 丹麦哥本哈根癌症流行病学研究院的乔奇姆舒茨说道:“我认为这项研究的结果让人们非常放心。” 更详细进入...
A key enzyme that cuts short our cellular lifespan in an effort to thwart cancer has now been linked to body mass.
中文: 06年12月6号——一种具有阻挠癌症能力的缩短细胞寿命的关键酶目前被人们和体重联系到了一起。 更详细进入...
A relationship between pulmonary carcinosarcoma and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy has been described only once before, in 1991.
中文: 肺部癌肉瘤最常见的症状是咳嗽和咳血,以肺骨关节病变来表现文献上仅在一九九一年有过一例。 更详细进入...
His struggle to overcome cancer and go on to win seven Tours de France has been an inspiration for others.
中文: 他与癌症搏斗并且最后战胜和后来赢得环法比赛的七连冠的事迹已经成为对其他人的一种激励。 更详细进入...
The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors , including ina ropriate diets , poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection .
中文: 癌症的发病率主要由以下诸多因素引起,包括不适当的饮食、不好的保健习惯以及没有及早发现。 更详细进入...
Papillary carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer (60 to 70% of all thyroid cancers).
中文: 乳头状癌是最常见的甲状腺癌(占全部甲状腺癌的60%~70%)。 更详细进入...
Similarly for the obese higher rates of cancer of the breast, colon, ovary, prostrate, endometrium (the layer of tissue that lines the uterus), kidney and gallbladder are all being evidenced now in China and in younger patients than previously observed.
中文: 同样,乳腺癌、结肠癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌、子宫内膜癌(子宫内的一层组织)、肾癌和胆囊癌在中国的发病率也明显上升,而且与先前的观测结果相比,患病人群更为年轻。 更详细进入...
ONE OF THE FIRST INKLINGS that viruses could be useful in combating cancer came in 1912, when an Italian gynecologist observed the regression of cervical cancer in a woman who was inoculated with a rabies vaccine made from a live, crippled form of the rab
中文: 最早显示病毒可能可以用来对抗癌症的迹象之一,于1912年浮现:有位义大利妇科医生观察到某个妇女在注射了减毒狂犬病疫苗之后,其子宫颈癌有消退的现象。 更详细进入...
Methods: Ninety-one patients suspected of prostate cancer received four regions -core systemic prostate biopsy,and the detection rate and complications were compared with those of the sextant method.
中文: 方法 :对 9例疑为前列腺癌的患者进行经直肠B超引导前列腺 区 点系统穿刺活检 ,观察其对前列腺癌病灶的检出率 ,并与 点系统穿刺法比较并发症的发生率。 更详细进入...
But these officials believe the 80-year-old leader has cancer of the stomach, colon or pancreas.
中文: 但官员们相信这位80岁高龄领导人得了胃癌,结肠癌或胰腺癌。 更详细进入...
Obstruction of respiratory tract, circulation failure, and certain symptoms of central nervous system and dermal allergy.
中文: 答:呼吸道阻塞症状,循环衰竭症状,中枢神经系统症状及皮肤过敏反应症状。 更详细进入...
After marketing approval in domestic, venlafaxine was used to treat depression, anxiety disorder, obsession, attention deficit and hyperactivity, alcohol dependence, somatoform disorder, post-schizophrenic depression etc.
中文: 国内上市后,已用于抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症、儿童多动症、酒依赖、躯体形式障碍、精神分裂症后抑郁等的治疗。 更详细进入...
The Detection of Point Mutation at th Codon of Oncogene c-Ha-ras From Stomach Cancer and Mucosa nearby the Solid Tumor
中文: 胃癌和癌旁组织癌基因c-Ha-ras第位密码点突变测定的研究 更详细进入...