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    She clashed two pans together to wake us up.

    中文: 她铿铿锵锵作响地敲著两个平底锅叫我们起床。 更详细进入...
    A loud, resonant, metallic sound.

    中文: 铿锵声大而洪亮的金属般的声音 更详细进入...
    The waves run onto the rocks – crash, boom, bang.

    中文: 任惊涛骇浪铿锵拍激。 更详细进入...
    TK: An articulate voice from any quarter should be welcomed.

    中文: 来自任何角落的铿锵声音都该受欢迎。 更详细进入...
    At Jonathan's Shen Zhen concert tour, he said as a song-writer, Sandy have given him lots of inspirations because of her character, she simply gave him a whole different feeling.

    中文: 而当大哥弹唱起《铿锵玫瑰》前,他感叹“从创作人角度来说,林忆莲小姐给我很深的灵感。 更详细进入...
    He wondered what it was, and whether immeasurably distant or near by -- it seemed both.

    中文: 这敲击声尖锐、清晰、铿锵作响,有如铁匠敲砧打铁发出的响声,音色同样清脆高亢。 更详细进入...
    I was intrigued by her lucid and forceful argument; this was the first time I had seen a Chinese bhikshuni articulate her moral and intellectual position in such a forthright manner.

    中文: 这是我第一次看到一位比丘尼,用如此直接的方式,铿锵有力的表现她的智慧与道德。 更详细进入...
    The woman slowly turned upon me her dark menacing eyes. Her lips moved, and I heard a ringing voice like the clang of iron.

    中文: 那个女人慢慢把她的黑色威胁恐吓的眼睛移到我身上.她的嘴唇动了,我听到如铁的铿锵般干脆的声音. 更详细进入...
    The sound of metal striking metal mixes with the clatter of armor and moaning of wounded men.

    中文: 兵器撞击的铿锵声、装甲车发出的哐啷声、伤员发出的呻吟声交织在一起,在晴朗的夜空下传得很远很远。 更详细进入...
    The Marine placed on the bed the lifeless hand he had been holding, and went to tell the nurse.

    中文: 但他都没有注意医院里夜间各种声音:氧气瓶的铿锵声,夜间值班人员打招呼地笑声,其他病人的叫声,呻吟声及鼾声等。 更详细进入...
    I could hear the spoons chink in the glasses.

    中文: 我可以听到汤匙在玻璃杯里铿铿作响。 更详细进入...
    The clanking tractor went along, shooting smoke out of its belly.

    中文: 拖拉机铿铿地开了过去,从车肚里喷出烟来。 更详细进入...
    The tea has sweet taste and lingering rose aroma.

    中文: 由于其外观金玉交错般富丽堂皇,故名“金玉满堂”。 更详细进入...
    The gold, silver and bronze medals will carry the same design, with a finer white jade in the gold medal, a slightly darker shade in the silver medal, and a green jade in the bronze medal.

    中文: 金、银、铜牌式样相同,金牌搭配的是质地最好的白玉,银牌搭配的是青白玉,铜牌中间的玉石为青玉。 更详细进入...

    中文: 重金属对扁玉螺金属酶类的影响 更详细进入...
    The author analyzes several basic forms of alliteration and assonance in Du Fu's poems and points out that due to his excellent mastery of alliteration and assonance, Du Fu's poems are more harmonious and musical in artistic effect.

    中文: 文章分析杜诗双声叠韵构成的几种类型,指出双声叠韵的频繁使用显示了诗人驾驭语言的卓越能力,同时使其诗产生一种铿锵和谐、声情并茂的艺术效果。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] In the fourth, a topaz, a beryl, and a jasper; they were fixed in twisted frames of gold.

    中文: 第四行是水苍玉、红玛瑙、碧玉.这都镶在金槽中。 更详细进入...
    Believed to be the city s oldest working barman, Hong Kong-born Wong shows few signs of wear and tear(4), despite his four score years and 10(5), and talks energetically in punchy(6) phrases with a marked accent.

    中文: 据信是纽约最老的仍在工作的酒吧招待,出生在香港的黄海尽管已经90岁了,但几乎看不出芊华岁月留下的痕迹,依旧精力充沛,铿锵有力地用带有明显口音的英语谈笑着。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] The fourth, a topaz, a beryl, and a jasper; they are to be fixed in twisted frames of gold.

    中文: 第四行是水苍玉、红玛瑙、碧玉.这都要镶在金槽中。 更详细进入...
    A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold .

    中文: 稻草男人抵得上金玉女子. 更详细进入...

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