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    He does everything by rules.

    中文: 他事事墨守成规 更详细进入...
    He is a creature of habit.

    中文: 他是个墨守成规的人。 更详细进入...
    A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities.

    中文: 官僚主义与墨守成规混杂成一团糟 更详细进入...
    Pedantic attention to detail or rules.

    中文: 拘泥形式,墨守陈规过于拘泥于细节或规则 更详细进入...
    It has a month to decide whether to support the defendants or offer no opinion.

    中文: 律政司将有一个月的时间来抉择是支持被告还是墨守成规保持中立。 更详细进入...
    Most universities are disgracefully old-fashioned and introverted, run by self-interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots.

    中文: 大多数大学声誉不佳、墨守成规、闭关自守,并由那些利己主义的官僚来进行管理,这是其所以平庸的根源。 更详细进入...
    Nowadays novelists aim at novelty either in subject or in style,instead of following the beaten path of conventionality.

    中文: 如今,小说家们的创作目标不是力求题材上的新颖,就是力求风格上的标新立异,而不是因循守旧、墨守成规 更详细进入...
    Its symptoms are usually hidebound management, heirs who lack talent and drive or feuding over corporate spoils.

    中文: 其症状通常是管理层墨守成规,继承人缺少才能和动力,家族内部在公司利益上长期争执。 更详细进入...
    He was thought to be unruly.

    中文: 他被看成是不守规矩的人。 更详细进入...
    On Britain's side, much was similarly out of kilter with the stereotypes.

    中文: 而英格兰方面,出现与自身墨守陈规的传统几乎同类的混乱状况。 更详细进入...
    Performs all work with adherence to safety procedures.

    中文: 遵守安全规程完成所有工作。 更详细进入...
    Football, then, was a war between these worlds: the old and the new, the rich and the poor, the pedestrian and the poetic.

    中文: 足球一度只是前两个世界之间的战争:传统国家和新兴国家,穷国和富国,墨守成规的和诗性浪漫的国家。 更详细进入...
    You do want to choose a big company for monotonous work?

    中文: 您是想选择大公司做固守成规的工作? 更详细进入...
    One major problem remained to be solved before it could be put to the test - a practical method of insect sterilization had to be found.

    中文: 这个建议遇到来自墨守成规的官僚机构的阻力,也受到科学家的怀疑,但尼普林博士却始终没有放弃这个想法。 更详细进入...
    Please observe the rules, Sir.

    中文: 先生,请遵守规定。 更详细进入...
    You must comply with(=obey)the rules.

    中文: 你必须遵守规则。 更详细进入...
    It was showed that the basic varying law of graphite morphologies is as follows: with increasing of growing rate of graphite crystal along direction of [0001], the morphologies of graphite change from flack shape→vermicular shape→spheroidal shape→explosiv

    中文: 研究得出,铸铁中石墨变态的基本规律是:随著石墨晶体沿[0001]方向生长速度的增加,石墨由片状石墨→蠕虫状石墨→球状石墨→开花状石墨→过球化石墨。 更详细进入...
    It is essential to abide by these rules.

    中文: 这些规则必须遵守。 更详细进入...
    We must abide by rules strictly.

    中文: 我们应当严守规则. 更详细进入...
    We should abide to rules strictly.

    中文: 我们应当严守规则. 更详细进入...

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