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    There is nothing worse than apathy.

    中文: 哀莫大于心死 更详细进入...
    The sad thing is that most of this life.

    中文: 人生最悲哀的事情莫过于此。 更详细进入...
    But the most sorrowful is that what we have is not what we really want at all.

    中文: 不过最大的悲哀莫过于得到的原来不是自己真正想要的。 更详细进入...
    B.She wept the death of the child.

    中文: 她哀悼孩子的死亡。 更详细进入...
    It does not mean that we lacked slaves of wealth or ambitious men, but what we could have would be dwarfed when compared with those described by Moliere and Balzac in their books.

    中文: 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。 更详细进入...
    Dying is only one thing to be sad over. Living unhappily is something else.

    中文: 死亡是一种悲哀,但活得不愉快是更悲哀。 更详细进入...
    It not mea we do not have misers, but in comparison with Mauriat and Balzac's miser and a irant, that is dwarfed.

    中文: 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。 更详细进入...
    It not means we do not have misers, but in comparison with Mauriat and Balzac's miser and aspirant, that is dwarfed.

    中文: 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。 更详细进入...
    The biggest evil in speech is to lie and accuse someone falsely. The biggest evil in affairs is to be cold-hearted and ungrateful.

    中文: 言谈最大的罪恶,莫大于诬陷妄语;行事最大的罪恶,莫大于刻薄寡恩。 更详细进入...
    So Mordred told everyone that Arthur was killed in the war, in France. Mordred became King of Britain! He was made King in Canterbury.

    中文: 于是,莫德雷德告诉大家亚瑟已死于在法国的战争中。莫德雷德当上了不列颠的国王!他在坎特伯雷被加冕。 更详细进入...
    He died of heart attack.

    中文: 他死于心脏病。 更详细进入...
    Many came to do the dead man homage.

    中文: 很多人前来向死者致哀. 更详细进入...
    She mourned for her dead child.

    中文: 她哀悼她那死去的孩子。 更详细进入...
    Amoxycillin-induced epidermolysis bullosa

    中文: 阿莫西林致大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹 更详细进入...
    Great democracy and freedom is but emancipation of mind – let one think himself.

    中文: 大民主、大自由莫过于思想大解放——还思于人。 更详细进入...
    June 9. Thick clouds blanket the sky quietly. Mood is inexplicable low. Feel unexpected sad and empty.

    中文: 6月9日大块的云朵停在空中,一动也不动。心情无缘无故的低落,对自己的孤单,感到有些莫名的哀伤。 更详细进入...
    Terrorism against our nation will not stand.

    中文: 现在让我们为死难者默哀。 更详细进入...
    We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion,a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone.

    中文: 大丘警方说:“死者的死因是由于精疲力尽而导致的心力衰竭。” 更详细进入...
    They sang a dirge for the dead person.

    中文: 他们为那个死去的人唱了哀歌。 更详细进入...
    Father died of “heart attack” at age 53.

    中文: 父亲53岁死于“心脏病”。 更详细进入...

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