Abstract: To apply the index mode of case classification to administer hospital management.
中文: 文摘:应用病例分型指标引导模式进行医院医疗质量管理。 更详细进入...
The family health services are those given to patients by doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists.
中文: 家庭保健服务由医生、牙医、眼科大夫和药剂师提供给病人。 更详细进入...
The Center for Clinical Excellence (CCE) is a dedicated department at Brigham &Women's Hospital responsible for facilitating the achievement of excellence in patient care throughout the hospital.
中文: 临床优化中心是布赖海姆女子医院一个专门的部门负责推动整个医院在病人关怀方面上取得杰出的成就。 更详细进入...
Incorporation of the Rice Blast Durable Resistance into Hybrid Rice
中文: 稻瘟病持久抗性在三系杂交稻上的导入 更详细进入...
He'll have to work as an intern before he can become a doctor.
中文: 他必须先当实习医师后才能成为医生。 更详细进入...
D: Sure. According to TCM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between Yin and Yang and the treatment of diseases is the reestablishement of the equilibrium between them.
中文: 医生:没问题.根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致.而疾病的治疗就是阴阳的平衡. 更详细进入...
At no time shall doctors lie to the patients.
中文: 医生任何时候都不应向病人撒谎. 更详细进入...
Doctor Lin devote his life to help the patient.
中文: 林医生终其一生致力于帮助病人。 更详细进入...
He had to go to the hospital because his daughter fell ill.
中文: 他到医院是因为他的女儿生病了。 更详细进入...
The doctor felt confident that his patient would recover from pneumonia.
中文: 医生确信他的病人的肺炎会康复。 更详细进入...
The doctor was held in high estimation by his patients.
中文: 那位医生受到他病人高度的敬重。 更详细进入...
You are badly ill .Why not go to see the doctor?
中文: 你病得很厉害,为什么不去看医生? 更详细进入...
Nosocomial Infection in a Same Hospital:Three-year Prevalence Survey;
中文: 3年医院感染流行病学调查分析 更详细进入...
We've long suspected climate change is driving disease outbreaks. Our results suggest that warmer temperatures are increasing the severity of disease in the ocean.
中文: 「我们很久之前便推测气候变迁是疾病爆发的主因,我们的报告指出,温度上升造成海洋中的珊瑚病情加重。」 更详细进入...
Objective: This study aimed at evaluates the effects of a health education clinic run by physicians according to patients' perspectives.
中文: 摘要目标:本研究主要目的在以病人观点评价医师卫教门诊实施之成效。 更详细进入...
Article 9 Physicians shall, after pre-marital medical examination, give medical advice to those who are in the infective period of any target infectious disease or who are in the morbid period of any re-levant mental disease; both the male and female plan
中文: 第九条经婚前医学检查,对患指定传染病在传染期内或者有关精神病在发病期内的,医师应当提出医学意见;准备结婚的男女双方应当暂缓结婚。 更详细进入...
Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the application of the most conscientious, explicit and judicious medical knowledge in caring for patients.
中文: 摘要实证医学意指经理性判断后使用医学知识于照顾病人。 更详细进入...
Berger's perspective is that any patient with a chronic illness—especially those that are life-threatening, such as diabetes, emphysema, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease—may require palliative care, which should be pursued in tandem with cura
中文: 柏格希望任何一位慢性病患者都可以要求缓和医疗,尤其是致命疾病的患者,像是糖尿病、肺气肿、多发性硬化症与心血管疾病等,并使缓和医疗与治疗性医疗齐头并进。 更详细进入...
Doc.Lin devote all his life to help patients.
中文: 林医生终其一生致力于帮助病人。 更详细进入...
My cat was sick so we took her to the vet.
中文: 我的猫生病了,我们带它去看兽医。 更详细进入...