Clinical left ventricular enlargement with secondary mitral regurgitation?
中文: 临床上有否左心室扩大伴二尖瓣返流? 更详细进入...
The last statement is suggestive of the sun being recognized as the centre of the universe (solar system).
中文: 最后的陈述暗示了太阳被认为是宇宙(太阳系)的中心。 更详细进入...
A Biomechanical Model of Left Ventricle Regional Ischemia:a Computer Simulation.
中文: 左心室心肌局部缺血的生物力学模型及计算机仿真研究 更详细进入...
It seems that just by preventing the infarction from growing and by artificially thickening the heart wall in the infracted area, the graft could have helped prevent the usual remodeling of the ventricle.
中文: 它的效果看起来比较像避免梗塞部位的扩大,并且增加了梗塞心脏的心室壁厚度,只能说,移植的组织可能防止了心室重塑。 更详细进入...
It is necessary to control the mechanical stimuli precisely in the studies of cardiac mechano-electrical feedback(MEF).In the present study a ventricular pressure-clamping system has been developed,which can be applied to isolated-perfused rabbit hearts.C
中文: 在心脏机械电反馈的研究中准确控制机械刺激是非常重要的.本研究室构建了一套适用于离体家兔心脏的心室压力钳系统.该系统通过计算机控制压力钳,不仅能模拟正常生理条件下左心室的压力波形,还能在心室活动周期的特定时相、以适当波形对心室施加机械刺激.该系统集心脏灌流与起搏、表面心电图记录、单相动作电位记录、心室压力钳制与测定等多种功能于一体,特别适用于器官水平上观察机械电反馈现象并探讨其机制. 更详细进入...
中文: 前、后负荷对心室功能影响的分析模型 更详细进入...
Your heart beat speeds as you recall the Warlord's flaming axe, behind the dark sockets of his helm you sense darker intentions.
中文: 当你一边回忆战神燃烧之斧时,一边心跳加速,在战神头盔黑暗的凹槽里,你可以感觉到黑暗的意图. 更详细进入...
Abstract: It is necessary to control the mechanical stimuli precisely in the studies of cardiac mechano-electrical feedback(MEF).In the present study a ventricular pressure-clamping system has been developed,which can be applied to isolated-perfused rabbi
中文: 文摘:在心脏机械电反馈的研究中准确控制机械刺激是非常重要的.本研究室构建了一套适用于离体家兔心脏的心室压力钳系统.该系统通过计算机控制压力钳,不仅能模拟正常生理条件下左心室的压力波形,还能在心室活动周期的特定时相、以适当波形对心室施加机械刺激.该系统集心脏灌流与起搏、表面心电图记录、单相动作电位记录、心室压力钳制与测定等多种功能于一体,特别适用于器官水平上观察机械电反馈现象并探讨其机制. 更详细进入...
Severe water deficit at seedling stage and wadding stage ,medium water deficit at buds and bolls stage can be propitious to cotton yield.
中文: 结果表明,调亏灌溉对棉花株高、蕾铃脱落、成桃数等影响较显著;苗期和吐絮期重度水分亏缺、蕾铃期中度水分亏缺均有利于棉花产量的形成。 更详细进入...
He chuckled (to himself) as he read the newpaper.
中文: 他看报时暗暗(独自)发笑. 更详细进入...
The organizations and disciplines are: key laboratories in nation, Chinese Acaidemy of Sciences and province levels, including Chinese Acaidemy of Sciences Tropic Ocean Environmental Dynamics Key Laboratory, Guangdong Oceanic Pharmaceutical Key laboratory
中文: 机构设置和学科方向:拥有国家、中科院、省重点实验室(站),包括中科院热带海洋环境动力学重点实验室,广东省海洋药物重点实验室,物理海洋研究室、海洋环境与生态研究室、应用海洋生物研究室、海洋工程中心和产品开发中心等。 更详细进入...
It is seldom that you will ever have three consecutive losses.
中文: 很少会出现连续三次的亏损的。 更详细进入...
It was thanks to John that we won the game.
中文: 多亏约翰,我们才赢了这场比赛。 更详细进入...
My bank account is 50 in the red.
中文: 我的银行帐户有50英镑的亏空. 更详细进入...
North gets upnearby Mohe River's Heilongjiang middle of a river, south to NanshaIslands' zengmu reef.
中文: 北起漠河附近的黑龙江江心,南到南沙群岛的曾母暗沙。 更详细进入...
Lost money in the real estate bubble.
中文: 在做房地产投机买卖中亏了本 更详细进入...
(Churches are grossly negligent here.
中文: 很多教会在这方面亏欠/懒惰。 更详细进入...
Cut your losses and move on.
中文: 砍掉你的亏损头寸,继续前进! 更详细进入...
Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death.
中文: 见利不亏其义,见死不更其守。 更详细进入...
His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage .
中文: 他不会说法语,这使他很吃亏. 更详细进入...