The prevalence of the ear diseases was auricle malformation(0.%), wax(.7%),otitis externa(0.%),fungi(0.%),serous otitis media(.%),chronic suppurative otitis media(.%),dry perforation of tympanic membrance(. %).
中文: 耳疾的患病率为:外耳畸形0.%,耵聍栓塞.7%,外耳道炎0.%,真菌感染0.%,分泌性中耳炎.%,慢性化脓性中耳炎.%,鼓膜干性穿孔. %。 更详细进入...
B. Palpate auricle for texture, tenderness, and presence of lesions. If client complains of pain, gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.
中文: 触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。 更详细进入...
The Ayadeng and Sailinhudong Formations were established in the 1970's by the regional geological survey, and the former was considered to belong to the Proterozoic Baiyunebo Group and the later belonged to the Sinian System.
中文: 摘要阿牙登组和腮林忽洞组是上世纪70年代1/20万区调建立的地层单位,当时将阿牙登组置于白云鄂博群,腮林忽洞组归于震旦系。 更详细进入...
A part, as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid, that fits in or is held next to the ear.
中文: 耳塞电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附著在耳上的部分 更详细进入...
A great multi-purpose brush, ideal for dusting Shimmer Brick Compact on cheekbones for a natural-looking, shimmery glow. Can also be used with Sheer Finish Powder, Blush, or Bronzing Powder.
中文: 沾取所选择的产品(珍珠光泽颜彩盘、腮红饼、蜜粉、修容饼),轻撢多馀的粉末,轻扫于所欲上色的部位。多用途的实用设计,可当成蜜粉或腮红刷使用。 更详细进入...
Black wood ear is a good substitute for cloud ear.
中文: 如果没云耳亦可用黑木耳代替。 更详细进入...
B. Palpate auricle for texture, tenderne , and presence of lesio . If client complai of pain, gently pull auricle and pre on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.
中文: 触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。 更详细进入...
D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen. If canal is clear, ask how often client usually cleans ears.
中文: 检查耳道有无耳垢。如耳道干净,询问受检者通常清理时间。 更详细进入...
I saw diamond studs in her ears.
中文: 我看见她耳朵上戴着的钻石耳钉。 更详细进入...
The child has earache caused by blocked Eustachian tubes.
中文: 这孩子因耳咽管堵塞而引起耳痛. 更详细进入...
7 feeling tinnitus,otalgia,intermittent deafness and other hearing sensation system symptom,accounting for 7 %;
中文: 自觉耳鸣、耳痛、耳聋等听觉系统症状者7 人,占总检人数的 7 % ; 更详细进入...
I have found this product to give INSTANT relief from the stinging and itching of mosquito bites.
中文: 我发现此产品后即将它运用在皮肤的疼痛、蚊虫叮咬上,可减轻其不适的搔癢感。 更详细进入...
They also were less likely to have eczema, a common allergy skin condition that causes red patches and itching.
中文: 而且患湿疹的可能性也相对少,湿疹是一种皮肤过敏性反应,可引起红斑和搔痒。 更详细进入...
I love Autumn. It's always so poetic to watch the maple trees change the color. Yet I hate to rake the fallen leaves.
中文: 我喜欢秋天,看者枫叶转红,总是如此地诗情画意。但我讨厌扒落叶。 更详细进入...
Pan-fry pork chop in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow and done. Add minced garlic and lemon rind. Cook for 1 minute.
中文: 用2汤匙油将猪扒煎至金黄熟透,加入蒜蓉及柠檬皮碎煮1分钟。 更详细进入...
The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.
中文: 这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。 更详细进入...
Can you put a rope in his nose Or pierce his jaw with a hook?
中文: 伯41:2你能用绳索穿他的鼻子麽、能用钩穿他的腮骨麽。 更详细进入...
Turn on your BTH by press the earpiece button for about 2~3 sec, and it will startup and flash in blue.
中文: 开启蓝芽耳机,按蓝芽耳机上耳筒侧边按钮约3~4秒后,耳筒使会发出一声短的哔声,而耳机同时闪著蓝色的准备灯号. 更详细进入...
A native or inhabitant of Malta.
中文: 马耳他人马耳他的土著人或居民 更详细进入...
A native or inhabitant of Turkey.
中文: 土耳其人土耳其的原住民或居民 更详细进入...