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D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen. If canal is clear, ask how often client usually cleans ears.

D. Gelatin capsules: Aspirate with a syringe, or capsule may be dissolved in warm water over several minutes. After capsule dissolves, remove its gelatin outer layer. 凝胶胶囊:用注射器抽吸,或用温水溶解胶囊。待胶囊溶解后,除去凝胶外层。
D. He thinks new technologies will appear as well as ARC. 他认为像自动资源编辑器一样的新技术将出现。
D. I ect canal for buildup of cerumen. If canal is clear, ask how often client usually clea ears. 检查耳道有无耳垢。如耳道干净,询问受检者通常清理时间。
D. I ect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesio by gently depre ing lower lid with thumb pre ed agai t bony orbit. Ask client to look up. 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠在眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。。
D. I will not require translators or interpreters to do unpaid work for the prospect of a paid assignment. 不得为争取顾客之译案而要求翻译╱口译人员从事免费或折价之工作。
D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen. If canal is clear, ask how often client usually cleans ears. 检查耳道有无耳垢。如耳道干净,询问受检者通常清理时间。
D. Inspect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesions by gently depressing lower lid with thumb pressed against bony orbit. Ask client to look up. 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠在眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。。
D. Keep finger within normal field of vision. 手指停留在正常视野范围内。
D. L. Moody, “ I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible. 慕迪:「我从未遇过一个没好好学习圣经而能被神大用的人。」
D. L. Moody, ” The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. 慕迪:「圣经会使你远离罪恶,否则罪恶就会使你远离圣经。」
D. My idea is that we should follow our original plan. 我的意思是我们应当按照原来的计划。

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