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    The rain's intensity increased as the outermost walls shudder ed From the strikes of massive stones slung by the crude catapults.

    中文: 粗野的投石车投掷出巨石,打击战栗的外城墙,狂雨骤泻。 更详细进入...
    However, there were four dilemmas in the course of chinese urbanization: ①lower urbanization level compared with the developed countries under the same GDP; ②urbanization lag industrialization at the large extents; ③exasperating the Dual Economic Structur

    中文: 但在发展中存在诸多问题:城市化水平低于发达国家同等GDP总量条件下的城市化;城市化严重滞后于工业化;城市发展不协调,结构不合理;城市化战略不科学。 更详细进入...
    He broke his words once again.

    中文: 他又一次违背了诺言。 更详细进入...
    He humped a big sack of coal upstairs.

    中文: 他背一大袋煤炭上楼。 更详细进入...
    He jarred his back badly when he fell.

    中文: 他这一跌,背部 得很重。 更详细进入...
    Though formally trained as an Alchemist, Torosar has always had an interest in battlefield and siege tactics, often studying texts on the subject of war more frequently than on the subject of alchemy.

    中文: 虽然特洛萨所受的正规训练是炼金术,但他对战地战术和攻城战术有强烈的兴趣,看的有关战争方面的书要比炼金术方面的书多得多。 更详细进入...
    I had asked to visit the city as a last minute change to my program, because l had wanted to see for myself the part of the country which had been at the heart of the conflict.

    中文: 最后一分钟我要求改变行程,去参观这座城市,因为我想亲自看看这一战争中心国的部分地区。 更详细进入...
    All of the text in the background is from Lady MacBeth's [in]famous monologue, excepting the last line, which is from a certain episode of NGE that I'm sure all fans would recognize.

    中文: 背景里的字是从麦克白夫人最有名的独白﹐而最后一句话是所以《新福音战士》影迷都应该认识的。 更详细进入...
    A good composed view on this town with the river and the bridge in the foreground and the mountains towards a deep blue sky in the background.

    中文: 不错的静止角度,这个城镇\河流和桥为前景,而山脉和深蓝的天空为背景! 更详细进入...
    Training in defensive tactics and strategies had to take into consideration changes in the rules of the sport; stricter enforcement of the rules by referees governing sliding tackle from behind, fouling from behind and showing of red and yellow cards were

    中文: 五、防守技战术的训练,必须考虑国际上一些新规则的变化,如“裁判对规则执法更严、背后铲球、背后犯规以及红黄牌的严格运行等都有待重新予以重视。 更详细进入...
    Chapter 8 of the DUNGEON MASTER's Guide describes the many sorts of magic items that enhance a campaign.

    中文: 《地下城主指南》第八章描述了各种能增强战役的魔法物品。 更详细进入...
    The final fights are really challenging!

    中文: 最后一战将是极具挑战的! 更详细进入...
    He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle.

    中文: 他在一次激战中奋战而死。 更详细进入...
    This pose arches the back like the curve of a snake, toning and strengthening the vertebral muscles.

    中文: 做这个姿势时如同一条蛇弓着背,伸展脊柱后背的肌肉。 更详细进入...
    Over the last 50 years, especially since the introduction of thereforming and opening policy, significant changes have taken place in many large, medium and small cities in the Yangtze Basin.

    中文: 建国50年来,长江流域各大、中、小城市发生了巨大的变化,特别是城市经济实力、城市性质与功能结构,城市生态环境以及区域城镇体系等产生了质的飞跃,向着更高层次的城市战略目标发展。 更详细进入...
    A single pylon design, which features forward and aft sway braces, an aft pivot, electrical connections, and fuel and air connections, is used.

    中文: 单塔设计的,其特点是前进和背荡荡背带,背一个支点,电气连接,燃料和空气连接器. 更详细进入...
    This was a signal for him to strap on his pack and stumble onward, he knew not where.

    中文: 这给他提了一个醒,于是他背起背包,一瘸一拐地朝前走起来,也不清楚去哪儿。 更详细进入...
    Lazy Cat and Piggy Lele went fishing together and they sat back-to-back on a rock.

    中文: 懒懒猫与小猪乐乐在一起钓鱼,它们背靠背坐在石头上。 更详细进入...
    The settings swap villages for cities with the story inevitably taking the reader on a journey through the sleazy and glamorous sides of the cities in equal measure.

    中文: 它们的背景从乡村转变为城市,故事不可避免地让读者在同等的范围中于庸俗而迷人的城市边缘中穿梭旅行。 更详细进入...
    One town ends where the next begins and there's a road that runs between.

    中文: 一个城镇连接著另一个城镇,两者之间有一条路。 更详细进入...

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