That’s a bunch of hogwash.
中文: 那全是一堆废话。 更详细进入...
The house was in ruins.
中文: 这房屋成了废墟。 更详细进入...
The tower stood amidst the ruins.
中文: 塔矗立在废墟中。 更详细进入...
SH: In the mornings I do squats, power snatch or clean + jerk, presses, and abs.
中文: 早上我做深蹲,抓举或挺举,推举,腹肌。 更详细进入...
Results Lilium brownii Polysaccharide can increase the hypoxia tolerance, anti-oxidation action and immuno-enhancing activity in mice.
中文: 结果百合多糖具有增强小鼠耐缺氧能力、抗氧化及免疫增强作用。 更详细进入...
“Agronomists say the earth has the potential to support many more inhabitants-up to 15 billion.
中文: 「农艺学家说,地球具有支持更多住民─最多可达一百五十亿─的潜力。 更详细进入...
Construct and operate a grease trap waste treatment facility (GTWTF) within West Kowloon Transfer station.
中文: 于西九龙废物转运站兴建及运作隔油池废物处理设施。 更详细进入...
Organic waste solutions (dye, chloroform, etc.) should be poured into the Organic Waste Solutionbottle instead of the sink.
中文: 有机废液应倒入有机废液瓶中收集,不可倾倒于水槽内。 更详细进入...
Now,Steel-structure building in China are also growing up and shows more and important position in the word.
中文: 近两年来,我国的钢结构建筑已初具规模,在建筑领域的地位举足轻重。 更详细进入...
A: Look! So many handicapped people.
中文: 看,那么多残废人。 更详细进入...
Five years ago: By a vote of 50.6 percent to 49.4, Federalists prevailed over separatists in Quebec in a secession referendum.
中文: 五年前,在加拿大魁北克,就是否独立举行公民投票,结果联邦制拥护者获胜,百分之50.6民众不赞成独立,另外百分之49.4民众投赞成票. 更详细进入...
Before your next mug, glass or bottle, take some time to learn about this age-old beverage.
中文: 在你下一次举杯前,不妨抽点时间了解一下这种具有悠久历史的饮料! 更详细进入...
Class action , orgnization action , relator action and mass action are concrete patterns of public interest action.
中文: 集团诉讼、团体诉讼、民众诉讼、检举人诉讼等都是公益诉讼的具体形态。 更详细进入...
On 10th Apr., 2004 PKU Top 10 Song Match with subject of “My Music, I Decide” was held at the Century Hall.
中文: 4月10日,主题为“我的音乐我做主”的2004年北大十佳歌手大赛在百年纪念讲堂隆重举行。 更详细进入...
This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye-gelatine type anti-halation layer technique in aerial photographic film.A series of delicate technical problems were solved smoothly,consequently creating a sound basis for running normal
中文: 一、前言人类赖以生存的环境只有一个--地球,而从目前的状况来看,地球的生态环境正在日趋恶化.其恶化的基本因素在于人为形成的三废,即废渣、废气和废液.而五颜六色的废弃包装产品和包装材料又是产生废物的重要来源之一. 更详细进入...
If we try to tickle ourselves, our brains anticipate this attackand prevent us from feeling panicked.
中文: 小脑监控我们的一举一动,但对其认为不具威胁性的活动,往往会忽视。 更详细进入...
Go through, go through the gates; Prepare the way for the people; Cast up, cast up the highway; Free it of stones; Raise up a standard for the people.
中文: 10你们要经过,要从城门经过;豫备百姓的路;要修筑,修筑大道;捡去石头;为众民高举旌旗。 更详细进入...
Actress Kathryn Harrold seems content with merely being one of the most brilliant, experimental actresses on the off-Broadway and smallmovie scene.
中文: 被誉为是百老汇外和小制作电影的最具才华和经验的女演员之一。 更详细进入...
Non-national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated.Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.
中文: 非国家法定计量单位应当废除。废除的办法由国务院制定。 更详细进入...