He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
中文: 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。 更详细进入...
She had a look expressive of happiness.
中文: 她洋溢于幸福的模样。 更详细进入...
Studies on models for Biodiversity
中文: 生物多样性模型研究 更详细进入...
Cuts a dashing figure.
中文: 雕刻成雄赳赳的模样 更详细进入...
This again follows a cyclic pattern.
中文: 这同样遵循循环模式。 更详细进入...
The next phase is to scale up the manufacturing process, with the aim of making the material rather as you would convert wood-pulp to newsprint.
中文: 下一步就是要达到规模化生产,让这一材料的制造过程如同把纸浆变成新闻纸那样容易。 更详细进入...
Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution.
中文: 像蜗牛一样谨慎,像鸟儿一样敏捷。 更详细进入...
I am as light as a feather, as happy as an angel, as cheerful as a pupil, and as being on wings as a drunkard.
中文: 我象羽毛一样轻,我象天使一样幸福,我想小学生一样快活,我象喝醉了酒的人一样飘飘然。 更详细进入...
There was a look of hatred in his eyes.
中文: 他眼中有恨意的模样。 更详细进入...
In a variant on this model, matter thins out on large scales in a fractal pattern.
中文: 这类模型的另一种变形是,物质在大尺度时变得稀薄,形成碎形的图样。 更详细进入...
Despite sweltering temperatures, Woods wore a white sweater of the type the author wore in one of the most well-known portraits of him.
中文: 伍兹在比赛中穿的是一件白色的毛衣——尽管当时气温很高。那件毛衣的款式和海明威在一幅画像中穿着的一模一样。 更详细进入...
中文: 一个解剖基人体下肢的生物动力模型──第一部分:模型描述 更详细进入...
Vandalism is increasing on the large housing estates like a cancerous growth.
中文: 破坏公共财产的行为,像癌肿一样正大规模地在房地产业中日益增长。 更详细进入...
`How do you like your coffee?' `Half-and-half (ie Half coffee and half milk), please.'
中文: `您要什麽样的咖啡?'`请来一样一半(即一半咖啡一半牛奶).' 更详细进入...
From the train station, you can view model trains as they wind through the Great Lakes area.
中文: 从火车站的边上,当模型火车像风一样通过大湖区域时,你就能看它们。 更详细进入...
With civilized men ,as with primitive Red Indian tribes ,it is ,I think ,chiefly love of excitement which makes the populace applaud when war breaks out ;the emotion is exactly the same as at a football match ,although the results are sometimes somewhat m
中文: 我认为:和原始红种印第安部落一样,当战争爆发时,文明人出于寻求刺激而鼓掌欢呼,那种情绪和观看一切足球比赛时的情绪一模一样,虽然有时结果有些严重。 更详细进入...
Complete one year of GM mode.
中文: 完成一年经理模式。 更详细进入...
Conventionally, this involves coating a silicon wafer with a thin layer of light-sensitive polymer, shining UV light onto it through a template, and then dissolving the affected areas to create a pattern.
中文: 和传统方法一样,先给硅片薄薄地涂上一层对光线十分敏感的聚合物,再隔着一个模板用紫外线照射硅片,然后溶解那些受到影响的区域,这样就制成了一个图案。 更详细进入...
The HMMs’ parameters are further trained by the method of iterative learning from a large data set;
中文: 通过迭代学习的方法在大样本下进一步训练这些隐马尔可夫模型参数; 更详细进入...
He led an exemplary life.
中文: 他的一生堪作楷模。 更详细进入...