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    Hiram king of Tyre replied by letter to Solomon: Because the LORD loves his people, he has made you their king.

    中文: 11推罗王希兰写信回答所罗门说、耶和华因为爱他的子民、所以立你作他们的王。 更详细进入...
    Zhao Zhongxu, Wang Aimin, Shen Lansun, An automatic Tongue Analyzer of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Color Image Processing, ICEMI99, Harbin, China:830.~834.

    中文: 沈兰荪,王爱民,卫保国等.图象分析技术在舌诊客观化中的应用.电子学报,2001,2912A):1762~1765. 更详细进入...
    [bbe] Then Jonathan and David made an agreement together, because of Jonathan's love for David.

    中文: 约拿单爱大卫如同爱自己的性命、就与他结盟。 更详细进入...
    “I have had such a love for this sport.

    中文: “我是如此热爱这项运动。” 更详细进入...
    You'd also be right to guess that Iowa still loves this springtime flower.

    中文: 您可能也猜到了,爱荷华州的居民仍十分喜爱这个春天的花朵。 更详细进入...
    P>We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.

    中文: 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 更详细进入...
    He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver.

    中文: 贪爱银子的,不因得银子知足。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] O my people, put on sackcloth and roll in ashes; mourn with bitter wailing as for an only son, for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us.

    中文: 我民哪(“民”原文作“民女”),应当腰束麻29布,滚在30灰中。你要31悲伤,如丧独生子痛痛哭号,因为灭命的要忽然临到我们。 更详细进入...
    Who knows is a folk rock band whose music can make you feel fresh just like the soft dew of spring.

    中文: 天晓得哪来的著麽一个甜美可爱的民谣摇滚团,有如春天早晨的露水般清新怡人!成员主唱以勤,吉他皓子,仲佑,贝斯怡文,鼓手凯凯. 更详细进入...
    It is irrelevant to me how my wife goes about cooking my favorite goulash as ong as it turns out the way I like it.

    中文: 只要结果让我满意,我的妻子如何煮出我最爱的番茄牛肉和我无关。 更详细进入...
    O daughter of my people, put on sackcloth And roll in ashes; Mourn as for an only son, A lamentation most bitter. For suddenly the destroyer Will come upon us.

    中文: 耶6:26我民哪、〔民原文作民女〕应当腰束麻布、辊在灰中.你要悲伤、如丧独生子痛痛哭号、因为灭命的要忽然临到我们。 更详细进入...
    Out of the school, I'm a genty girl and a good citizen.

    中文: 在校外,我懂礼貌,爱护绿化,是个好公民。 更详细进入...
    O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.

    中文: 耶6:26我民哪、〔民原文作民女〕应当腰束麻布、辊在灰中.你要悲伤、如丧独生子痛痛哭号、因为灭命的要忽然临到我们。 更详细进入...
    Do not be surprised if, one day, your own children fall in love with “Snow White” and “Cinderella”.

    中文: 如果有一天你自己的孩子爱上了“白雪公主”和“灰姑娘”,不要感到惊讶。 更详细进入...
    It is irrelevant to me how my wife goes about cooking my favorite goulash as long as it turns out the way I like it.

    中文: 当我不再喜欢时,我的妻子如何烹煮我最爱的菜炖牛肉都与我无关。 更详细进入...
    For a nation has come up against My land, Mighty and without number; Its teeth are the teeth of a lion, And it has the cutting teeth of a lioness.

    中文: 6有一国民又强盛,又无数,上来侵犯我的地;其牙齿如狮子的牙齿,大牙如母狮的大牙。 更详细进入...
    Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.

    中文: 3约拿单爱大卫如同爱自己的性命,就与他结盟。 更详细进入...
    They love stoutness in standing for your right, in declining money or promotion that costs any concession.

    中文: 他们热爱维护民众权利的正义感,热爱拒绝钱权交易的正义之举。 更详细进入...
    Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.

    中文: 啊,孩子。女人明晓孩子的一切,比如看牙医、恋爱、好友、喜欢的食品、害怕什么、愿望与梦想等。 更详细进入...
    As our national treasure, Chinese Wushu has been popular with more and more people both home and abroad.

    中文: 丙:武术作为我们中华民族的宝,受到了越来越多人的喜爱,如今,它已经走出门,走向了世界。 更详细进入...

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