Article 89 The limitation period for prosecution shall be counted from the date the crime is committed; if the criminal act is of a continual or continuous nature, it shall be counted from the date the criminal act is terminated.
中文: 第八十九条追诉期限从犯罪之日起计算;犯罪行为有连续或者继续状态的,从犯罪行为终了之日起计算。 更详细进入...
Article 12 Terms and conditions set in a standard contract, which violate the principle of good faith and are conspicuously unfair to consumers, shall be null and void.
中文: 第12条(定型化契约无效之情形)定型化契约中之条款违反诚信原则,对消费者显失公平者,无效。 更详细进入...
The Roman Catholic Church calls the following deadly sins: murder, lust, covetousness, gluttony, pride, envy and idleness.
中文: 罗马天主教会将下列行为称为无赦之罪:谋杀、纵欲、贪婪、贪食、骄傲、嫉妒与懒惰。 更详细进入...
Article 89 With respect to a criminal case which has been filed, the public security organ shall carry out investigation, collecting and obtaining evidence to prove the criminal suspect guilty or innocent or to prove the crime to be minor or grave.
中文: 第八十九条公安机关对已经立案的刑事案件,应当进行侦查,收集、调取犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪、罪轻或者罪重的证据材料。 更详细进入...
Because of extenuating circumstances, the court acquitted him of the crime.
中文: 因考虑到情有可原,法庭判他无罪。 更详细进入...
Those so-called criminals are really innocent.
中文: 那些所谓的罪犯,事实上是无辜的。 更详细进入...
Where did you go I still curse you to this day.
中文: 无论你走到哪里我依旧在怪罪你。 更详细进入...
[kjv] I am clean without transgression, I am innocent; neither is there iniquity in me.
中文: 我是清洁无过的,我是无辜的。在我里面也没有罪孽。 更详细进入...
That fact decided the judge to acquit him.
中文: 那件事实使法官下决意判他无罪。 更详细进入...
Become sinless, and die in atonement for others, and you can marry a whole bunch of people. -- Jesus (Revelation 15?
中文: 成为无罪,为他人舍命赎罪,那么就可以娶一大邦人了。~耶稣,启15? 更详细进入...
[NIV] The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.
中文: 3[和合]耶和华不轻易发4怒,大有能5力,万不以有罪的为无罪。 更详细进入...
Pain is in itself an evil, and, indeed without exception, the only evil.
中文: 苦痛本身就是一项罪恶,而且,实际上毫无例外地,是唯一的罪恶。 更详细进入...
It was part of God's plan that Jesus, His sinless son, should give his life to save sinners.
中文: 神无罪的儿子耶稣献出自己的生命拯救罪人是神的部分计划。 更详细进入...
But the legality of this picture is on the basis of the formal discussion of the Curtain of Ignorance.
中文: 然而,这幅图景的合法性仍依赖于“无知之幕”的形式论证。 更详细进入...
The sixth uncle in story of "orange becoming red" is virtually an accessary of the feudalism force.
中文: “桔子红了”故事中的六叔,无形之中成了封建势力的帮凶. 更详细进入...
If a man sleeps with his aunt, he has dishonored his uncle. They will be held responsible; they will die childless.
中文: 20人若与伯叔之妻同房,就羞辱了他的伯叔,二人要担当自己的罪,必无子女而死。 更详细进入...
[NIV] those who with a word make a man out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice.
中文: 他们在争讼的事上,定无罪的为有罪,为城门口责30备人的,设下网罗,用虚无的事,屈31枉义人。 更详细进入...
And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries.
中文: 我也不知道,发展中国家里有无数的人们生活在无法形容的贫穷和疾病之中。 更详细进入...
A judicial system can suffer no greater lack of credibility than a perception that its order can be flouted with impunity.
中文: 藐视法院命令无罪的想法,对司法威信伤害无与伦比。 更详细进入...
The criminal is unpardonably wicked; by comparison, all other criminals are virtuous.
中文: 这个罪犯真是十恶不赦,相比之下,其他罪犯还算有点良心。 更详细进入...