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A judicial system can suffer no greater lack of credibility than a perception that its order can be flouted with impunity.

A judgment in favor of Bosnia-Herzegovina could have resulted in Serbia paying billions of dollars in reparations. 如果国际法庭做出对波斯尼亚有利的裁决,塞尔维亚就可能被迫支付几十亿美元的赔款。
A judgment will be of no value to you if the business or individual is insolvent, goes bankrupt or disappears. 如果该公司或个人没有偿付能力、破产或失踪了,一个判决将对你没有什么价值。
A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision. 公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然後才作出决定。
A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision. 公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然后才作出决定。
A judicial mind considers both sides of a dispute fairly before making a decision. 公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然后才作出决定。
A judicial system can suffer no greater lack of credibility than a perception that its order can be flouted with impunity. 藐视法院命令无罪的想法,对司法威信伤害无与伦比。
A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically. 明智的历史学家以小心翼翼、批判性的态度权衡事实。
A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions. The reason for such strange behavior is beyond my ken.At the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. 最为紧急的关头。
A juggler needs great dexterity. 玩杂耍的人必须手指非常灵巧。
A jumbo card has been changed into different card that matches the changed card selected by the audience. 一张特大的扑克牌可以神奇地变成另一张牌,而牌上的符号恰好与观众已选而转变的牌一模一样。
A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth. 空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿

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